Meet the Participants
Meet the 12 teachers that embarked upon this journey. You may access the bios of any teacher by clicking on their name. If that teacher maintained a digital ethnography in the form of a public blog you may access their blog by clicking the word "blog" located under their name. If you are looking to contact a particular teacher for possible collaboration or just to have some discourse on culturally responsive teaching the contact information for each teacher is provided on their bio page. If you are interested in possible collaborations with our Moroccan colleagues whom we met during our journey consider joining our Google+ community.
Pre-Service Teachers (UNH)
Left: Kasey Carta
Right: Janelle Chong
Secondary Social Studies/Mathematics
Left: Ross Kelly
Right: Taji Hailey
Secondary English Candidate
Middle School Teachers
Elementary School Teachers
Math and Reading Interventionist, Wallingford Public Schools
High School Teachers
Social Studies Teacher, Norwich Public Schools
Meet the Faculty Advisors from the University of New Haven
This project would not have been possible without the hard work and support of three incredible faculty members from the University of New Haven: Dr. Halima Belemlih (email), Professor of Modern Languages, College of Arts and Sciences (pictured left); Dr. Khadija Al Arkoubi (email), Associate Professor of Management, College of Business; and Dr. Donna Leake (email), Professor of Education, College of Arts and Sciences (pictured right).